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Heyco® Polyurethane Adhesive-Back Bumpers


Part number and specification

A Diameter B Height Clear Black
in. mm. in. mm.

HBA - Series Hemi

.25 6,4 .06 1,6 N040 N140 HBA 250-06 578
.31 7,9 .09 2,3 N027 N127 HBA 312-09 450
NSD027 HBA 312-09-SD
.34 8,6 .09 2,3 N007 N107 HBA 335-09
NSD007 HBA 335-09-SD
.38 9,7 .15 3,8 N012 N112 HBA 375-15 200
NSD012   HBA 375-15-SD 288
.38 9,7 .21 5,3 N022 N122 HBA 375-21 300
NSD022 HBA 375-21-SD
.39 9,9 .12 3,0 N010 N110 HBA 394-12 288
NSD010 HBA 394-12-SD
.44 11,2 .20 5,1 N002 N102 HBA 440-20 242
.62 15,7 .31 7,9 N015 N115 HBA 620-31 128
.70 17,8 .38 9,7 N008 N108 HBA 700-38 98
.75 19,1 .08 1,9 N039 N139 HBA 750-08 84

CBA Series - Cylinder

.38 9,7 .13 3,2 N034 N134 CBA 370-13 300
NSD034 CBA 375-13-SD
.19 4,8 N035 N135 CBA 370-19 200
.50 12,7 .06 1,5 N005 N105 CBA 500-06 200
.14 3,6 N001 N101 CBA 500-14
NSD001 CBA 500-14-SD
.25 6,4 N006 N106 CBA 500-25
.65 16,5 .40 10,2 N011 N111 CBA 650-40 128
.75 19,1 .16 4,1 N044 N144 CBA 750-16 98
.78 19,8 .20 5,1 N041 N141 CBA 780-20 84
.81 20,6 .12 2,5 N024 N124 CBA 810-12 72
1.23 31,2 .10 3,0 N072 N172 CBA 1230-10 32

TCBA Series - Tapered Cylinder

.38 12,7 .18 4,6 NSD067 TCBA 375-18-SD 288
.72 18,2 .56 14,2 N037 N137 TCBA 720-56 1

CDBA - Series Pocket

.50 12,7 .14 3,6 N018 N118 CDBA 500-14 200
NSD018 CDBA 500-14-SD
.88 22,4 .40 10,2 N017 N117 CDBA 880-40 72
1.81 46,0 .60 15,2 N030 N130 CDBA 181-60 1

RCDBA Series - Reverse Cylindrical Depression

.50 12,7 .20 5,1 NSD058 RCDBA 500-20-SD 200

TBA Series - Square or Tapered

.40 10,2 .10 2,5 N020 N120 TBA 4040-10 242
.50 12,7 .12 3,0 N009 N109 TBA 5050-12 200
.23 5,8 N03R N13R TBA 5050-23
.78 19,8 .25 6,4 N029 N129 TBA 7878-25 98
.38 9,7 N004 N104 TBA 7878-38 1
.81 20,6 .30 7,6 N019 N119 TBA 8181-30 98
1.00 25,4 .18 4,6 N036 N136 TBA 100100-18 5

RPBA Series - Round Pyramid

.50 12,7 .15 3,8 NSD033 RPBA 500-15-SD 200
Standard colors clear and black. For white, gray or brown consult Heyco. NSD refers to soft durometer Polyurethane (Shora A 45-55) and will not be available in Black.


  • Quick and easy installation–simply peel off backing and press into place. With no holes to drill, and no screws or rivets needed, adhesive backed bumpers will save you time and money.
  • Bumpers can be attached to a wide variety of surfaces; aluminum, ceramic, formica, glass, painted surfaces, polyethylene, polypropylene, vinyl, and steel.
  • Adhesive backed bumpers are nonmarking, nonstaining, skid, and scratch resistant.
  • Surface must be clean, dry, and free of grease, oil, and other common solvents to obtain maximum adhesion. Clean surfaces with low strength solvents such as Isopropyl Alcohol or Heptane.
  • Bumpers have a rubber-based pressure sensitive adhesive with an end use temperature of 0°F (-18°C) to 180°F (82°C).


Material Polyurethane
Certifications ru logo Recognized under the Component Program of Underwriters’ Laboratories File E196663
Flammability Rating HB
Temperature Range 0°F (-18°C) to 180°F (82°C)
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