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HEYCap™ Tapered Caps and Plugs – SAE

For SAE Fitting Hubs and Threaded Mounting Holes

Part number and specification

Fits This
or Mounting
A - Major B - Minor C
Head Diameter
Body Diameters
in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm.

HEYCap Tapered Caps* for SAE Fitting Hubs - Body Diameters Reference Inside

1/8 G5009 TCP 37-30† .30 7,7 .24 6,0 .50 12,7 .38 9,7
3/16 G5013 TCP 46-39 .39 10,0 .33 8,3 .59 15,0
1/4 G5015 TCP 51-45 .45 11,5 .39 9,8 .66 16,8
5/16 G5022 TCP 63-57 .57 14,4 .49 12,4 .75 19,1 .47 11,9
3/8 G5023 TCP 67-61 .61 15,4 .52 13,2 .81 20,6 .50 12,7
1/2 G5031 TCP 82-76 .76 19,3 .66 16,8 .97 24,6 .57 14,2
5/8 G5036 TCP 93-87 .87 22,0 .75 19,1 1.09 27,7 .63 16,0
3/4 G5047 TCP 115-108 1.08 27,5 .93 23,7 1.31 33,3 .75 19,1
1 G5057 TCP 136-130 1.30 33,0 1.17 29,8 1.50 38,1 .81 20,6
1-1/4 G5071 TCP 168-162 1.62 41,1 1.50 38,0 1.88 47,8 .75 19,1
1-1/2 G5080 TCP 195-189 1.89 48,0 1.72 43,6 2.13 54,1 1.00 25,4
1-3/4 G5092 TCP 231-225 2.25 57,2 2.07 52,7 2.56 65,0
2 G5097 TCP 260-254 2.54 64,5 2.33 59,3 2.81 71,4 1.03 26,2

HEYCap Tapered Plugs** for SAE Threaded Mounting Holes - Body Diameters Reference Outside

1/8 G5007 TCP 30-24 .30 7,7 .24 6,0 .44 11,2 .38 9,7
3/16 G5009 TCP 37-30† .37 9,3 .30 7,6 .50 12,7
1/4 G5012 TCP 43-37 .43 10,8 .36 9,2 .56 14,2
5/16 G5014 TCP 49-42 .49 12,3 .42 10,6 .63 16,0
3/8†† G5016 TCP 55-49 .55 13,9 .47 12,0 .69 17,5 .44 11,2
G5020 TCP 61-55 .61 15,4 .53 13,5 .75 19,1
1/2 G5026 TCP 73-66 .73 18,5 .64 16,3 .88 22,4 .50 12,7
5/8 G5033 TCP 85-79 .85 21,5 .75 19,1 1.00 25,9 .56 9,9
3/4 G5040 TCP 104-98 1.04 26,4 .92 23,2 1.16 29,5 .69 17,5
1 G5049 TCP 128-122 1.28 32,6 1.18 29,8 1.44 36,6 .63 16,0
1-1/4 G5068 TCP 160-154 1.60 40,6 1.51 38,4 1.75 44,5 .50 12,7
1-1/2 G5077 TCP 188-182 1.88 47,8 1.75 44,5 2.00 50,8 .75 19,1
1-3/4 G5089 TCP 224-218 2.24 57,0 2.07 52,5 2.44 62,0 1.00 25,4
2 G5096 TCP 146-240 2.46 62,6 2.30 58,4 2.63 66,8 1.00 25,4

*May also be used as Plugs: to determine Outside Diameters, add approximately .06˝ (1,5 mm) to Inside Diameter dimensions.
**May also be used as Caps: to determine Inside Diameters, subtract approximately .06˝ (1,5 mm) from Outside Diameter dimensions.
†Part No. G5009 functions as a Cap for SAE 1/8˝ Hubs and a Plug for SAE 3/16˝ Hubs. ††Use Part No. G5016 for SAE 9/16-18 thread and Part No. G5020 for SAE 5/8-18 thread
Standard color red.



  • HEYCaps can be used as either caps or plugs.
  • Because they are tapered in design and made from highly flexible polyethylene, they not only fit snugly but are readily removable.
  • Applicable Specs: MIL-C-5501/7 (MIL-C-52078), NAS-835.


  • Especially recommended for use on threaded external SAE and MIL Std.-type tube and hydraulic fittings.
  • Part dimensions are based on average threaded hub fit. Before ordering in quantity, please sample HEYCaps.
  • Recommended Closures: Threaded hubs where Cap dimension B is at least 1% smaller than the hub to be capped. Minimum .020″ (0,5 mm).


  • Especially recommended for use on threaded internal SAE and MIL Std.-type tube and hydraulic fittings.
  • Part dimensions are based on average tapped hole fit. Before ordering in quantity, please sample HEYCap Tapered Plugs.
  • Recommended Closures: Threaded mounting holes where Plug dimension A is at least 1% larger than the hole to be plugged. Minimum .020″ (0,5 mm).


Material LDPE
Standard Color: Red
Temperature Range -94°F (-70°C) to 150°F (66°C)
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